Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 5:00

Daily Drive Episode 238: Chase Dreams, Not Approval

I don't have a real plan for it, so I don't know. And now you're starting to second guess and self doubting yourself. Don't do that. Right? Ask yourself this. Do I really need an approval from you? Am I going to do this because it's something that I want? And then lastly, ask yourself this question. Do I really need somebody else's approval to pursue my dream? Right. Say that out loud and think about it

#advice #youmatter #mental

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:27
Yeah. I feel like I can remember so many dreams that I've had that I was like, I feel like I need permission to pursue this. And then realizing the only permission I needed was mine, and the only validation I needed was mine. And that was such a freeing thought. But it's funny how little mental blocks like that can keep us from chasing something that can make us so happy and so fulfilled. So it feels important to talk about often with each other. I feel
