Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:38

#AuthorInterview | Talking with award-winning author, playwright, and screenwriter Frank Anthony Polito

Frank. Anthony pallido is an award winning author and playwright and screenwriter. Frank, I'm so excited to talk with you because I know from your bio that you hold an MFA and dramatic writing from Carnegie Mellon. And I am originally from Pittsburgh and went to Pitt and spent a lot of time there, so it's great to be able to connect with you on that and also to celebrate your late book coming out just this week, rehearsed to Death

#books #mystery #queer #lgbtqia #newbooks

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:27


Frank I'd love to start out by hearing how you would describe rehearsed to death to someone who doesn't know anything about it, to give our listeners a sense of what they can expect with its release. And also, if you feel up to it, feel free to maybe share a line or two or your favorite paragraph to give us a sense of what it sounds like. The Voice I thought this book was so fun, and I know our listeners would love to hear a bit of it
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:31


I'm really curious about your history as a writer. You have done so much as a writer in so many different mediums. Can you share a bit about how you started out and how you continued to grow not only as an author but also a playwriter and screenwriter? And what have the challenges and sort of opportunities been of writing in all of those different forms?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:35


One of my very favorite things to talk with writers about is failure, because most of us know a thing or two about it, and also oftentimes it really informs our journey and what we end up working on and what we end up getting really interested in. I'm curious if you have a failure story or if you have anything to share about how failure, fear and rejection as a creative person, as a writer, has informed your life path and also your relationship to your craft
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:40


Lastly, we have a lot of writers and creative people here on Swell that are constantly in conversation with each other. And I'm curious, since you have such a rich history as a writer, if there is any writing advice that either you learned just through experience or maybe was given to you at some point by a mentor or a teacher along your path that has stuck with you the most throughout your creative and writing life
