Bowie Rowan
@bowieΒ Β·Β 2:31

What's your Spotify Wrapped for 2022?

I would love to know if you're surprised by any of the things that you were listening to a lot this year or if it seemed pretty right based on what you remember listening to. I know a lot of people this year is the most I've seen people sharing things from YouTube, like YouTube premium music. I don't do YouTube music. Curious if there's a reason why people do that, like if artists make more through YouTube music

#music #spotify #data #tech #youtubemusic


I was gonna say, there are no surprises here, except that a song I've been listening to on repeat of late for several teas didn't even make the top five, which is kind of impressive. And then when I fun, that the number one song on my list had been played 56 times. Okay, maybe not so impressive. Wow. This is always interesting to see how these things play out at the end of the year
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 4:47
Hey, it's JL. You know, I just downloaded Spotify last month, literally just downloaded it. And it was only because in this Facebook group chat I'm in with the number of women, they wanted, we're grown, right? So they wanted for people to share different songs. They enjoy playing in the background, but they're intimate with their significant other. And so people were throwing in songs, titles of songs
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Taylor J
@TaylorΒ Β·Β 1:18

@bowie @SeekingPlumb

So one of the things I really, really love about this time of year is getting to see everybody's spotify wrapped, mainly because I don't know nearly as many musicians as I thought I did. And every year I'm reminded of that because I looked at both the Bowie Ann, Seeking Plum, I looked at both of yours, and it's like, amazing how many of those artists I literally have never, ever heard of before
Taylor J
@TaylorΒ Β·Β 1:08
I don't think it's easier than using something like spotify. I think it's just something I kind of got into the habit of doing a long time ago from my YouTube music ripping days. I never said that. Anyways, yeah, here's my top five. Man. Roddy Rich has made my top five two years in a row. He absolutely is there for sure, whether I'm on YouTube or not
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zyΒ Β·Β 1:04


Absolutely love spotify. So I got into my wrapped up and here's mine. It's pretty accurate. I'm a huge fan of Chris Brown. I'm a huge fan of Kanye West. Growing up, I stayed on Mariah Carey when he can go on all days and days about music and all types of stuff leading into Spotify. I'm like free advertising for them. I love them so much. I even have a family plan and I tell people that are on my family plan
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zyΒ Β·Β 0:50


Hey, JL. Yeah. Like, I just hope you fall in love with Spotify. I've been with Spotify. I think it's probably almost going on ten years now. Like, I don't subscribe to a lot of things or, you know, I have my subscriptions here and there, but one I've been consistent with is Spotify. And another cool thing about that is that you can listen to music at the same time on the same playlist, the same person
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 1:20


Yes. I just checked out your rapped photo from Spotify and looks like we listened to nearly similar artist or type of music. I am willing to give it a try based on this. Swell. So I'm glad she put this well out there. Like I said, I only have that one playlist that was shared and I was impressed that I was impressed that I was able to edit it. I'm repeating myself because someone started calling
