Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:54

Bowie on the Road | Exploring Brooklyn Grange

I think of an urban farm, and I think of composting and all of the metaphors you could think of when it comes to gardening and love that just feels so beyond perfect. So I wanted to share a bit of it with you. Brooklyn has been amazing. I'm really looking forward to checking out and sharing more soon. In the meantime, definitely looking to Brooklyn Grange if you haven't heard of it. And I hope that whatever seeds you've planted are continuing to Bloom

#travel #weddings #brooklyn #travelphoto

Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 0:26

That sounds lovely! @bowie

Hey, Bowie, that sounds so lovely. I've heard of Brooklyn Grange, but I've never been there and I didn't know what it was, but that sounds really cool. I wonder if you can just, like, go up there and just check it out, even if you're not having an event. Also, if you're in in Brooklyn, did you check out do or dive the dive bar?
Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 0:42

Very cool!

Wow. This is so cool. I just checked out Brooklyn Grange on Instagram to look at people's pictures, and it's fascinating that not only is it a project that deals with food access and food in and security and sustainable agriculture, but it's also an event space. So many wedding photos on Instagram that is very cool that they have this foresight and savviness to think, how can we get the community you need to buy in? Because not everybody's going to be farming
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:06


Real big sir. Happy day. I was so happy to hear from you. So as far as I can tell, you can go up just to visit. And also I think there are certain times where there are markets and other events, so definitely worth checking out in my opinion for sure
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:59

@bowie Yes! BROOKLYN!

But it's really the best salmon Taco I've ever had in my whole entire life, which I've been alive for a little while. So good. And then you have a few kind of, like beers and cans, but like a really nice selection. And then right across the street from there is a place called Brew, which has beer and wine. True beer pub. It's got kind of a nice little vibe
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:36


Wedding week has officially begun this morning, so I can't tell you how much I appreciate these recommendations because I'm going to have to be whining and dining and showing people a good time throughout this week. So it's really helpful to have these wrecks, especially since I've only been here a couple of weeks. So I'm just getting my bearings and I will definitely let you know if and when I make it to do a dive. It'd be amazing to meet you in real life
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:46

Dino, The Moonlite Mile, and the Woods. Enjoy! @bowie

I like that. It might be swell also. Okay. Yeah. If it works out, let me know. All good. But, you know, it was my partner's birthday Friday, and I sort of planned this whole situation. So I have three other places to suggest to you she loves whiskey. So we went to this whiskey bar in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. It was sort of like deep in Brooklyn. I felt like. But it's totally doable
