Bill Rippe
@BoringOldGuy · 4:13

I’m jealous of the younger generations for 1 specific reason.

Building on money. I'm building on money. I'm building on money. There's no excuse starting young that you can take that little tiny, small seed and grow it into a forest to help yourself. Help your family, your future children, grandchildren and charities, and just really have a good life. Don't worry about all the politics, all the other BS that's going on out there. Take care of yourself, your community, your family

What are you doing to secure your #financial #future? Today’s #apps assist you to #growwealth


It sounds like we might be similar in age or at least in the same vicinity. You know, I could see your point with respect to if those apps were plopped down into the how, quote unquote easy it would be. But I'm curious how the same assessment how you come to the same assessment today when wages have not kept pace with inflation. There's articles upon articles in both Canada and the US
Reh Dogg
@RehDogg · 5:00

I absolutely agree 100%. I wish I had the apps of these kids have when I was growing up.

I just had to take a quick second before I jump to my next job here. I had to respond because this is absolutely correct. I wish I had the opportunity growing up in the 80s like these kids have of today, they're blowing the opportunity and using these apps and media platforms like YouTube for nonsense. They're using it to create cancel culture. Many of these entitled breaths I hate to be sounding negative, but it's true. They really are blown the opportunity
Bill Rippe
@BoringOldGuy · 3:15


It doesn't make a difference. What time frame? It goes up, it goes down. It goes up, it goes down. That's just the nature of the economy and everything. There's nothing we can do about it. Governments and businesses are going to do what they're going to do, but we need to do what we can do to make sure that we take care of ourselves. So, again, thank you so much for your response. Greatly appreciate it
Bill Rippe
@BoringOldGuy · 1:49


Okay, moving forward, these are everything to watch for here's all the things that you can do to be successful, whether that's an app or how you're on social media and things like that. So I think that's really, when you think about elders way back, the elders sitting around the fire telling stories and all of that, they're passing on those stories. They're passing on what worked, what didn't work, what could have been done better


I think you're right that these apps offer more accessibility to investing, but I think it comes with other challenges as well. You start with a smaller amount. That means you're going to have more gradual and smaller increases of growth, and it will take you longer to get to whatever number you're trying to reach
Mabel Peralta
@MabelAuto · 2:55

#genx #thisgeneration

We were kids that had keys to the house or the apartment, and that was it. And we didn't get into the troubles that a lot of the youth gets into today. So while pardon me is a little envious, right, like, oh, I could have, would have, should have had I had all these tools to my advantage. I'm happy I didn't because it has made me has cultivated me into the person I am today. And I would not exchange that for anything
Bill Rippe
@BoringOldGuy · 0:44

@MabelAuto #genx

Mabel, you made me both chuckle and tear up with that response. Thank you so much for that. You and I could have grown up in the same neighborhood. When the lights came on in the porches, it was time to come home. You are absolutely correct. Yeah. Probably good that we didn't have all the devices now or then that that we have now, because a lot of things that I did would still be going on. Other than the deal. Just printed out photos
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@FateSlicer815 · 4:46

Every generation has its opportunities

Both my brother and I had chainsaws in our hands by the time I think I was 13 and he was eleven, and we were both running chainsaws basically as full time jobs. That's the biggest thing that's missing from this generation, probably. So I don't think people are like, oh, well, the apps are making it better. I honestly don't invest in the stock market. I don't believe in it for various reasons
4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 4:52

Onwards and upwards. The future is bright!

Was it easy for him? No. And he's I think he's 60 now, so he started when he was 50. Now he owns 100 houses. So you just have to learn about money, learn about real estate and my other opinion and just go out there and make it happen, because your life will never be the same after that. I could never see where I am today from back there. You have to take the first step. You have to go forward
Bill Rippe
@BoringOldGuy · 1:02


There are some absolutely fantastic places on YouTube to get that education as well. And that's one of the cool things about YouTube that you can learn just about anything though. It is better to really kind of have a mentor to help you with bigger things like real estate and investing and all that other good stuff. So, Jarra, again, definitely appreciate you taking all that time to talk to me
