Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 4:08

My Thanksgiving Adventure

So that's one plus other blueberry sauce is done. Step two is the tough thing because I still had to make it a day in advance so I can Bake it on the day of which is baked tomorrow, which I don't even know why I need to Bake it, but that's a different story. I made the stuffing. I had a recipe and I followed it, and I made it, and it is just absolutely yummy

#thanksgiving, #cooking, #tradition @NamelessJournal

Ramya V
@Ramya · 1:32

Hey, thanks for doing this!

Hey, thank you so much for being game enough to share my my Thanksgiving adventure misadventures, as the case might turn out to be with all of us here. And I'll be honest before I say anything that my knowledge of Thanksgiving traditions are minimal, and they come entirely from a bunch of movies and sitcoms that I've watched over the years. But I do know this that putting together an entire Thanksgiving meal from scratch can be pretty challenging, even if you've been doing it year after year
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:33

Always wondered about the cranberry sauce...🤔

But you know what? I've always wondered about the cranberry sauce. I mean, how does it fit in to the menu? I'm not too sure what's the story. There kind of stands out from the rest of the dishes. On the traditional my, my, my, my, my Thanksgiving adventure. What's the story behind including cranberry sauce as a part of the dinner do let me know. I'm quite curious
Georgie Dee
@GeorgieDee · 2:42

Can't wait for updates 😁👍🐔 @bookishpodcast @NamelessJournal

Everybody loved it. But the brandy custard. I burnt the bottom of other saucepan when I was cooking it, and I didn't try it before I served it. So I'm serving up this Christmas pudding with cream and brandy custard. And everyone was like, EW. Ew. What did you do to the custard? Ew. It's disgusting. And then I tried it. It tasted so burnt. So, yeah, we got rid of that too funny
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 4:13
And I'm kind of like, wow, this is how it works. I thought I had to keep checking. I don't know. I've never used this feature before, so I set it up. Put the temperature, convection roast. And let's hope it all works out well. And that's what is in the oven right now. So when the Turkey cooks, you also have apparently, if everything goes well, the juices of the Turkey is supposed to drip into the pan
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 4:47
And you know what's interesting is I told you I had that oven probe, right. And I was like, What's the temperature? I thought I set the oven to 325. Let's hope this works. All of that. And the temperature rise very slow by the time it even gave me a temperature reading. And I thought, what is wrong with my oven? And it took me a while to realize that, no, nothing's wrong with the oven
Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:11

@bookishpodcast @GeorgieDee

I honestly wouldn't have known how the sauce went with the Turkey, given other fact that I'm vegetarian, but that was fun to know, although I almost expected a little story. There something about the Pilgrims and what they did or what they ate for their first Thanksgiving meal or some such thing. But that was fun. And Shannon, to your remark about being too excited about your first Thanksgiving meal. I just wanted to say that there's nothing really off about that
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 4:55

@NamelessJournal, @GeorgieDee

Technically, I was supposed to just put the carcass in water, some veggies, some stock and then boil it for over an hour and just really extract the essence of the bone. Well, yours truly didn't follow the recipe. Tortilla. Well, I decided to put all the stuff that was stuffed the Turkey stuffing and boil that as well. Well, part of the Turkey stuffing was some limes. And a long story short, the soup became a very limey soup
