The new Caliber Man

Not to say that emotions are bad, but if I get to the point where I feel like I'm talking to another woman, it's just a little bit too emotional for me. So I do like a masculine man. Do like someone that can lead himself in a prosperous direction. And once I see that he can lead himself and he is being gainfully prosperous in life, then maybe I might go buy some suggestions if they could improve upon the prosperous direction of my my life
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 5:00
This ain't no we ain't playing games, you know what I mean? And I just don't think a lot of the guys would come up like that. I remember coming home from work, all the fellas was on the porch, all their friends was on the porch. And I can't remember the name of these boots. Well, they had skinny jeans on. All this all this all this kind of crazy stuff. And it wasn't lugs. It was uggs. Uggs
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 3:02
But with the gangster rap and all that stuff, and they hear my generation or toward the end of that little gangster rap thing, calling all these names and bees and hoes and all that kind of stuff, the same way they thought that these guys was really gangsters, the same way that they treating some of these girls like bees and hoes. You know what I mean? Not saying it's a certain way to treat that person, but they have the same disrespect, so you don't never know
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!



I do think that I deserve feeling intimacy without sexual contact. I'm not going to give up on it. I'm just taking a break from day right now and learning. Right now I'm sitting down, I'm looking around, I'm being aware of my surroundings and learning so I'll know how to move forward
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 3:55


So I ain't giving it up to be politically correct or anything. Else, but it's refreshing to meet a woman that does find a guy that's assertive or so called masculine attractive. I guess it's everybody from somebody, and I'm hoping it's somebody for me. So far, so good. So thanks for your response. I appreciate it. And thank you for the swell
Wende Neen
@WNPerspectives · 3:51
There are some who don't really understand that role, but those are the ones that I kind of steer away from. But there are some who are accepting of it, and I think that's what makes it okay. I always have a saying men don't try anything that hasn't worked. So there's a reason that they do or say what they do. But the same way with us, we will do the same. But I just think it's a different degree or level


And so it's a new era today. So that's why it says a new caliber man, because there are new things happening today. Women are accepting different things. Old school. You wanted someone who was a provider and you may have done some submissive things because they were providing you knew your home was going to be everything was going to be in order. Today, however, women already have their ducks in a row. They're putting things in order on their own
