Becky Butler
@bc75 · 3:46


Ahead. Good evening, Swell family. Becky here from visions. Expression. And I have just been going through my work, my pieces, my poetry, the individual pieces, the collections that I've assembled together for purpose, and the fix book I've written in a study on prayer. But I have much that I have not shared, and thankfully, Swell has given me an outlet to express some of that. And I'm learning to speak my poetry


gungun bansal
@gungunbansal_ · 0:30
Hi, Becky. I hope you are doing good and thank you so much for inviting me on your podcast. It's really amazing to listen from you. Your content is very amazing. The choice of words are really pretty and listening your voice is very calming, to be honest. And you said it really well. About the expressions, it talks a lot. It says more than the word we are trying to say. Your expression says a lot about the person
