Eric Zeissig
@barefutbehavior · 4:02

Drop the Mask ADHD Affirmations

If you've ever tried to do your own finances, you'll know immediately that this is true. Many of the systems that we struggle to navigate were never set up with this in mind. In fact, you are not any less mature or less of an adult because you forgot to pay your bills on time. Nor are you less of an adult because you keep intending to set up autopay and forget about that too

#ADHD #AdultADHD #Adulting

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:06
I haven't heard from them yet, but I will be calling them tomorrow to schedule an appointment for an evaluation myself so that I can be evaluated and see what treatment options there are for me to focus. I really haven't had a hard time admitting what I don't know. And it might be because I work in health care and faking it doesn't work until you make it, because it could be the fine line between life and death for someone
