Arghya Sengupta
@Arghya2310 · 2:59

Addiction: Dawn of Doomsday

Hello everyone. Myself, Arghya. And today I have come up with a very important topic to discuss with everyone addiction. The word itself is associated with addiction to all sorts of negative steps such as addiction to smoking, addiction to alcohol, addiction of social media, etc. So basically, addiction is a chronic dysfunction of the brain system that involves reward motivation and memory

#addiction #negativity #life #happylife #mentalwellness #wellness #addicted #happy #

Shweta Chaudhri
@Shwetachaudhri · 0:48
Nowadays they have this new thing called vaping vapors and stuff and they are so badly addicted that they come, they wait for it for like 4 hours, then to bring it to class itself. Like what are 4 hours? So I think it's a very negative thing and that needs to change
