Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:47

#TellSwell | As I walked out of the gym tonight I see this!

But anyway, what happened was, just as you can see from this clip, I don't know if you could tell the person had a warrant for a murder. And so somehow they tracked this person down in this parking lot tonight. And the person did have a weapon on them. I think it was in a box in the car. So it wasn't on their person, it wasn't pointed at cops, but it was pretty serious from what I understand


Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:38
It looked like the shoe might have been blue and white, maybe a sky blue shoe, but it was a dead body. And so when we went home that night, the news reported that there was domestic violence in that area. And the woman kept going back to the guy who was very, very abusive. And one day she had enough and did not go to him anymore. She had a child with him. And they've been through this before, but this time was the last rodeo
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:07


So it's just a matter of for me thanking God that we were kept safe. And this thing last night where this guy was arrested, supposedly the murder was from 2014, so ten years. And so I'm happy for the victim's family because imagine your murderer being on the run, not coming to justice for ten years, and then boom, they somehow track him down in the parking lot of a shopping plaza
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 2:20
And they were like, look, we're single women. We ain't got no man in the house. And it's getting crazy out there. It's getting wild out there. And in a way, I understand it, because even myself, sometimes I feel like, man, it's not good having some idiot roll up on you, and it's getting crazy out there
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:09


So anyway, thanks for understanding the vulnerability that people face, women face, especially, and not that men are not vulnerable, too, because like you said, the wrong punk rolls up on you. Not even going to try to prove something, and you may not make it home to your family. That's crazy. So the tough times we're living in. Thank you so much for chiming in. Appreciate
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 1:18


Because I couldn't do that, files a woman. I can't be inviting nobody come to my house on the second date, first date, because I really don't know. But I guess. Buyer beware. But I'm not sure if you said if you're in New Haven or Hampton. Hampton. All right, take care
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:17


Hey, Javon. I am in New Haven, but that is the town right next to Handham, so I'm in New Haven. And, I mean, depending on what part of New Haven you're in, a stone's throw away is the town of Handham, and that's where my gym is at
