Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:52

End of life…what are you thoughts? Keep me on machines ir let me go?

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article image placeholderUploaded by @Andrea_Speaks
Hello. So I just wondered, like, have y'all ever thought about, and this is going to seem kind of morbid, but it really isn't. It really is important. Have you all thought about, like, when you all get close to passing away, what's going to happen? Like, so my, my daughter is in a situation now where her husband's grandmother, she has been really sick. She has cancer and she's in fourth stage

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Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:43


I think you're doing it right. You're instilling in your children that you're like, if somebody's out of town, they need to get here and say goodbye, by all means. But otherwise, just let me go. Just let me go home. We'll see each other again. That's the bottom line. I got to go through this beautifully with my grandfather. I was traveling, but I got to go home. I got to say goodbye to him
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:18


And I just think that when people are in the hospital and they're on all these machines and stuff like that, I just think it takes people longer to grieve them, right? Because there's always that hope that they will start doing things on their own without the machines. And so I just don't want that for my children. And again, that's my personal preference. That's my personal choice, right. And then here's the other thing
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:22


And I've adopted that view recently because I had to walk a friend through. He lost his wife to Covid, and I hadn't talked to him in a long time, but it was a devastating time in his life. But just facing death, accepting death. What is death? Well, if you believe like you and I do, if you believe in an afterlife, then death is something not to fear
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:39
And after they work on you for a period of time, trying to bring you back, it's very difficult for you to come back without some significant neurological damage. And so once it made it clear that he's not going to come back, she ended the life saving measures and allowed him to pass away peacefully. But I've seen situations where people are on these life support machines, and it's mostly for the family
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:19
I mean, this woman had zero quality of life. She was in a vegetative state, and so she had zero quality of life. And the parents just did not want to let their daughter go. But, yeah, having those things written out
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:54


Hey, Tanya. See, and that right there is what I'm talking about. Like you, she's been on life support. These bring these machines breathing for her for. For ten years. Why she ain't talked to y'all. She ain't told you all she loved y'all. She ain't looked at you. She ain't held your hand. She ain't did nothing. You just laying there looking at her, and your life is on pause because you spend the majority
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:48
The end of life, as those who've walked through it, we know. It is so undignified. I remember my sister, and she was in hospice for a week. I think. I think she went in on a Wednesday, and she died early Thursday morning. So give or take a week
d f
@MrDee · 3:33
I mean, he just wasn't functioning. Like, could get out the bed and do what everybody else was doing, but he was still talking, still had his mental capacity and all those other things. And when he passed away, it was a hard acceptance for me. But then I did come to the realization, like, yeah, he was suffering. He had a condition that he had, since we were growing up as teenagers, had two kidney transplants
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:21
You need to have it notarized. You need to give your doctor a copy. You need a copy. Someone you trust needs a copy. And then there needs to be a copy at the hospital so that if something happens, there is no questions. You don't want the doctors to have to decide for you. That's not what you want. You want your family to be at peace
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Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 2:33


So I told my children, like, if you're going to do these life saving measures on me, and I'm going to come back, but I'm not going to have a good quality of life, meaning I'm going to be suffering, I'm going to be in pain. People are going to have to take care of me, and I'm not going to be able to take care of myself
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:13


And I had this funeral director, she was telling me that when you pay your money for your funeral, it's not going to the funeral home. The state has a special fund set up that the money goes into that fund, and then when you pass away, they request those funds and then you go from there. So that's how you prepay for your funeral. And so I'm going to do that as well
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 5:00
And at the time, it was his fiance. And he goes in there and he sees her. And right then and there, because they didn't get along very well. They were into it, know? He apologized to her. And I seen the one tear fall from her eye. And her eyes were set, which is that death Star. I seen the one tear fall from her eye. I knew that she heard him. And I told my brother, it won't be long
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 3:13


And our children have to be able, if they already can say, well, mom had this set up like this, or mom left all of these instructions, all we got to do is just go down the line, then it makes it so much easier for them, and then they can really get on with the process of grieving, which is what is most important
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:23


And so even though he was a young man, he had just declined so much in his health that he wasn't able to really do anything for himself. He had to have round the clock care. And then when he went into the hospital, he was on a ventilator. And so even if they had brought him back, they worked on him, couldn't bring him back. But, Evelyn, if they had brought him back still, he would have been on that ventilator, laying there unconscious