Divya Bhatia
@Anastasia_9 · 4:27

Moment when I felt Independent!! ✨✨

If you don't know a person and he or she comes to you to talk to you or anything you kind of feel uncomfortable but when we saw that they were of our age we realized that they were of our age we were quite comfortable and we were okay with it. One of them asked whether any of us have encountered any gender inequality incident which we would love to share with them for their college magazine for article in their college maxine, this happens in college

This Nation is Independent and so is everyone living here. #sayitonswell #swellcast #independence

Kashish Bhatia
@kashishbhatia · 0:48
Oh, the same incident happened with me as well. Once in my colony, a girl was like getting beaten by some guy. I immediately informed my father and his just let him leave her free. And he just took him to the police station and handed over to policemen for the violence he was creating. And all this is such nuisance which people like. Majorly, this kind of behavior is given or shown by people who are not literate, I believe
vansh Changrani
@vanshchang · 3:54
Some students were girls and other were boys. He said to girls that next time if I see any girl whose assignment is not ready will be punished. And after saying this he said that all girls sit down. And then our chances came, the boys chances came he gave us the punishment the whole class in the whole period all boys who haven't done the assignment will remain stand up. So the next one are all the boys who haven't done the assignment were standing up like ghost
Divya Bhatia
@Anastasia_9 · 0:34


Hey, Kasier, I do agree with you. Nation is independent when each and every person is literate. So literacy is the key moment independent. And the story you told, it was so like this actually happens, I think in every a community. And it isn't good. So it should be controlled. If a person is literate, he or she won't do something like this
Divya Bhatia
@Anastasia_9 · 0:29


Hey, Vansh. So what you did was write. And I would have also done the same if I had seen any kind of inequality in front of me. And I just don't like these things. Girls and boys, they both are equal. And teachers shouldn't discriminate. It's someone on their cast or something. Anything else on gender? So what your friends did was right and the teacher was wrong. At this place. In this place. So thank you for replying on my
