Steve Walker
@ADHDGuy · 4:54

Where do i start?

Hi, my name is Steve. This will more than likely be super awkward. Probably nobody will listen, but that's. I'm trying to figure out how to use this to create something useful. Kind of the whole point I'm sharing kind of what I've gone through, what I'm going through, hoping maybe somebody else might be able to relate. I'll start at the beginning

#ADHDJourney SwellDailyPrompt #sdp18Jan24 #TellYourStory @dbpardes | Something lost and found

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:29

@ADHDGuy @hope

So I would encourage you to continue to know that those are your superpowers and that you can bring those sensitivities into any job and be profoundly powerful in that job. Swell has a lot of people with different diagnosis at different stages of other lives. I really find it incredibly heartwarming to be in conversations with people about this topic. So I just wanted to thank you for bringing it up here. And the found part of this lost and found is very interesting


There's a meme that goes around often talking about how we found out we're no longer failed zebras, but I mean no longer. Way to butcher it, Christina. We're no longer failed horses. We found out we're zebras, neither better or worse. We're just different. Right?
