Human for Humanity
@youspeakgirl · 5:00

Success or Failure : All are just tags

But because my both parents were teachers then they were like the people we teach or the people who cheat, they get more marks than you and we are ashamed of you. I was not getting the point that I think 80 is a very good percentage still and I put my all best in that exam. I got an accident also on my second paper. Irrespective of whatever my efforts were, no one was happy with me

#success #failure #efforts

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 3:36
I had scored 88%, but I had expected to score at least in the 90s, if not above 94 or 95 because I knew that I had worked really hard and it shattered me at that point of time because like you, I have also always been in the top three or sometimes maybe in the top five. And yes, I have been a pretty comparable student my entire school and college life because I had this thing that I'll have to secure a good rank
