York Campbell
@York · 2:46

Is cancel culture getting out of control?

If you are a podcaster or anyone that is involved in the arts, then we probably need to reconsider posting things on certain media outlets, certain social media outlets. That is, it's probably best to have things in house on your own website. That's what I'm sort of thinking right now. There's particular people that I know of that they posted something a little bit off the Mark a little bit, and their entire account got canceled off of Twitter, off of YouTube

#media #woke #culture #podcast #youtube

Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 2:48
But that's the way of the world. You can say whatever you want, but there's consequences to everything. That's one of the universal laws for every action. There is an equal and opposite what reaction? So I don't really think it's getting out of hand in that sense. In a bad way. I think it's long overdue as far as people just being able to get on TV and just say and do anything, especially towards Blacks
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 4:49
Hey, York, I think cancel comes in various forms and varying degrees. And I'm going to first start with what you're talking about, which is getting banned from social media. I can see what has led up to this moment. We are sort of in the third innings of the social media. What I mean by that is the first innings was where they got introduced. We all jumped in. We loved it. We connected with the long lost friends
phil spade
@Phil · 2:57

Will comedians get caught up in cancel culture?

And I think a lot of people are scared to discuss stuff and that just shouldn't be. And this reminds me of something I've been thinking a lot about lately. And you mentioned the arts. And what do you think the role is of comedy and race right now? Is that something that is going to be canceled? Should it be canceled? There's a lot of comedy that invokes a lot of racial stereotypes, a lot of race that's brought into comedy
Ruben Evans
@DaGiftRE · 4:57
And I really think that ultimately it's where we are as a society where we're so big on social media right now, the younger generation was born into social media to the part where we've lost interpersonal skills to have an intelligent conversation, meaning you can have a differences of opinion
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 3:27
Yeah. To be honest, I'm speaking more on the social aspect, you know, of cancel culture because cancel culture is nothing new. You know, I'm 52 years old old. So it's been going on forever since I've seen. And I'm a history buff. So I've been seeing that forever
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 2:04


And this was actually in response to an open letter that I believe was going to appear on Harper's that I suggest checking out if you look at this post because it'll give you their context, but highly recommend looking at this post that I'm linking here because I think it could contribute further to the conversation we're having here. And this person does such a better job at articulating what I also believe to be true
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 2:01
So what they want is to be able to say and do whatever they want without any type of consequence as it applies to them. But that same rule is not going to apply to anyone else because they're going to silence whoever they don't want to hear from me myself
phil spade
@Phil · 0:49


Those are the people that are asking to speak to the manager, and they're not getting any response right now. They're calling the police. I see them screaming the loudest, and it makes a lot of sense. So I'm not trying to be funny about that, but that's who's complaining the loudest
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 2:09
That's pretty funny. You know what? I can appreciate that, Phil. To be honest. I just started watching those on YouTube a few days ago to be honest. And some of that stuff is really I have to question some of the authenticity on some of it because I don't know. It just seems like, can nobody be that stupid? Hang on. Sorry about that. I had to go check on my son
York Campbell
@York · 1:57

Remember Kevin Heart, the same could happen to us

Does that mean that we also have to be cut off like Kevin Hart, like so many other celebrities and people that are not even on the major spotlight, that's to be a level of Grace, we can't be quick to destroy ourselves. That's what I have to say about this. This is York from Poetic Riffin's podcast
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 3:36
He just knew it was just too much drama, too much of a headache to go through to have to answer for something he said at the time, and everybody laughed when he said it. It's funny because I go back and think of when I was growing up and the humor that I grew up listening to the Richard Pryors and the Red Foxes and those type of dudes and their humor nowadays would be considered inappropriate. Not funny
Armando Ochoa
@Iamarmando · 2:26
In fact, he wants Viacom to give him the right to show, and he feels entitled to something that he broke his contract and not. That is where it seems like he's just using the BLM for wrong. And that kind of ruins the BLM movement and then adds a bad stigma to it. And that's just my personal opinion
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 4:32
I think one of the biggest problems is that righteous correction of abhorrent behaviors gets lumped in to this that we now throw around. Cancel culture. Cancel culture, to me, is more the abuse. When people run out of real things to be upset about, they start to manufacture offenses, manufacture infractions, and then they want to equally punish people for these imagined transgressions as they would someone who has actually done something hideous or said something hideous
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 4:54
Now, sometimes relationships are also Gray areas between personal and professional as well. So what about the bakers who did not want to Bake a cake for a gay marriage? I'm not citing one way or the other in this in any way. I'm just trying to bring some Gray area examples of varying degrees and just wanted to see, where is it that we can draw the line? In fact, there is no line. Right. I think the line is blurred
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 4:49
I know white men that like very skinny women, and it all just comes down to who knows what makes us feel the way we do in that regard, as long as you're not infringing on someone else's pursuit of happiness, I think you have a right to feel, however you want. As far as the gay wedding cake. I'm a big supporter of letting the free market decide, right? So we now exist in a time that's a little different than before
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 4:59
Also his parents, how his parents end up reacting to that basically when suddenly somebody Springs out something to you that seems not normal and how they start to react and more so. I mean, this is in the context of the Liberal people. Obviously, they believe in racial equality and everything. They're all for everything. But then when it hits home to your kid, their view is completely a little different
York Campbell
@York · 1:44

There's no excuse for racism

But if you listen to the podcast and listen to his comments, he made tons of remarks against white people, describing them as animals, describing that their lack of melon is the reason that they're like that, that they're evil. Such comments cannot go unanswered. So, yes, we're caught up in Canceling people, but I don't think this particular one is out of hand
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 4:55

Can’t link. It’s over 75 units! 🤷🏽‍♀️

Great conversation. I did a podcast about cancel culture in a very miniature scale. I did it for books and bookstores, and I'm going to try to link up that. Here the podcast episode. If not, you can look up my podcast Living a Life through books and look under books to Graham Cancel Culture, and you will know my thoughts on that. And I got exposed to the whole cancel culture just more recently through the books Graham culture because someone was canceled and all of that
York Campbell
@York · 2:36

We need to define our terms

So we need to give each other a little bit of Grace. We definitely do, because all of us can make mistakes. Could say the wrong thing. Also, when it comes to systemic racism, it looks like we're using that word or that phrase now almost flippantly where we're calling every act a racist act. Even a couple of days ago, they said that classical music is racist, even a mild comment at work. Somebody says, oh, that's racist
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 4:19
That's why I did want to make a couple of points. What do you do when you have people who are very well aware and who use a lot of intention in taking advantage of a scenario, say power dynamics or things like that? And again, the example, I think a good example in this case would be the woman in Control Park who threatened to call the cops on an African American man
