Sambhav Gupta
@yogisambhav · 1:17

Is there a process to learn life?

And is there any process by which we can better understand the phenomena of life? Can there be a way in which we can deal with the dynamism of life head on? So

#life #spirituality #wisdom #learning #listening #thinking #meditation

So first we give exams. In real life, first we give exams. Sometimes what happens? We pass without even knowing about things. Sometimes we fail, okay? And then after failing in the test of life, we learn about those things. And then we need to apply those things in our life. So in real life, the way to learn is by giving exams, giving life test by failing
Sambhav Gupta
@yogisambhav · 1:49

#lifelessons #learning #mistakes #circleoflife

Hi Gaurangi. So, first of all, to begin with, really nice answer that you gave. You talked about how we have to give the exam of life again and again till we learn the lesson and how the lesson repeats itself until the time we do not actually succeed in understanding the lesson. But my counter logic on that one is that there's also kind of indirect knowledge that humans have the capacity of
