Dr. Yemaja Jubilee
@Yemaja · 4:52

And The Preacher Said 2 Me…!

You're worshipping Buddha and you doing all that yoga stuff. And you know what? You are the devil. Let me tell you, because you are falling on your knees and praying, but your praying is not being heard because it's just not going through. It's not getting through. I say, well, but I'm not going to say amen. Amen

Well, Well!! But , I ain’t gonna say Amen Amen

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:13

#religion #power #control

Another beautiful, beautiful swell here. Dr Imajajouli, thank you so much for the invite. I always love how you can tell a story and make it mean so much more than the words that are coming out your mouth. I think it's pretty amazing how you do what you do and tell the stories that you do. And I was not sure if this was a real life story or if this was a premonition, or if this was just something that you could foresee happening in a world
Dr. Yemaja Jubilee
@Yemaja · 0:38


Thank you, my beloved brother, for your response. And yes, it is a very, very, very true story. But I don't have time to walk around with all of that angst and resentment and casting blame and casting shame. I would be doing the same thing as other people. That's not where my heart is
