Doc Twisted
@WtfPodcast01 · 0:51

Doc Twisted. Wtfpodcast01 YouTube

Hey, this is Doc Twisted with WTF podcast zero One on YouTube. So tune in Halloween night at 07:00 p.m. And every following Friday, bringing you stories of hope, huge hurdles and life's problems that have been overcome by people that have hung on to hope to get through the dope and the problems and the mountains and the craziness of this potholes, of this world that we all have struggled through. So listen, you're going to get something out of this

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:18

#inform #strength #support #passion

What up, Doc? Love the intro, love what you stand for, love the cross promotion and just kind of sharing some insights from where you're coming in from. I think it's super awesome. Just wanted to show some love and support and hopes that it'll attract some other people to listen to some of these podcasts as well
Doc Twisted
@WtfPodcast01 · 0:36


I appreciate that, man. Stay tuned. We got a bunch of stuff coming up. I'm pretty limited on swell, but we're on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Podbean, Twitter. Let me see Swell and Spotify, get her true social rumble and all the above. And coming at you with itunes soon. Thank you for the support. Blessings
