Marianne Hmar
@Woof · 4:17

This book makes me anxious

Maybe it's only because I don't want to blame my hormones, but I'm going to blame my hormones on this because I don't usually cry. I want to blame the hormones and also the book. Yeah, it's that good. It's that kind of good. So, yeah, I would recommend it. It's how it got me invested so deeply into it

#kritinhannah #bookreview #cat

Avneet .
@avneet_ · 0:43
Could you please say hi to your dear Cat for me? I can bet he or she is pretty sweet. And coming to the book, hearing you describe it really makes me want to go in there and read it myself because I am a huge fan of all the plot twists you can bring into your novel and like, anything ah, if it doesn't give me anxiety, what's the fun? Where's the cliffhanger cannot do without that
