D. Meatrie
@wickedgypsybirdย ยทย 4:25

#TellYourStory | Seeing In Color ๐ŸŒˆ Vs. Seeing In Rhyme ๐ŸŽผ

Seeing in color, to me, is how I refer to people who need these laid paths to follow, like following the yellow brick road. And they orchestrate their life in a way. Whereas if there are these choices that they can fuse together to make their life what it is, then that's the life they live. And then seeing in rhyme, to me, is a little bit different

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb5 @phil


And you can blend the colors and you can overlay them, and you can do so much with them. That seems to create more shades of nuance and complexity that could be seen as quote unquote, outside the box. But maybe I swapped them. Or maybe there's more underlying of what you were thinking when you chose those two. Let's try that again. Those particular words. I'm curious
D. Meatrie
@wickedgypsybirdย ยทย 2:15


But I mean it in a way of you choose what that structure looks like. You choose how to rhyme and when to rhyme. Are you going to rhyme every other word? Are you going to rhyme every other line? Are you going to rhyme this whole stanza with that whole stanza? I mean, like that. So the way that you said it is correct, too


It does. Thank you
