Tanjot Singh
@whothetansin · 4:23

"My Perspective on Existence" : The Basic One's.

But at the same time, I have a valid point that what is life and why it is existing and everyone's just running behind same money houses, properties and respect. And what is this society? Actually, I don't know. I just stay quiet because people just put it off. You cannot convince people to talk on this topic because what they want to do, they'll just do it. They'll not listen to the perspectives of others. So that's all about it

#life #meaningoflife #existence #practical #thoughts #world #humans #universe #consiusness #learning #success

B ee
@Ignorantsage · 3:45
Either they become completely happy, disconnected from the world people or those of us who cannot handle the truth. We end up going into depression and probably not existing anymore. So yeah, keep it coming, keep talking. Your views are actually very interesting and I hope a lot of us are listening to this. I've seen a few likes. So yeah, your knowledge sharing does create an impact
Amoljeet Singh
@AmoljeetSingh13 · 0:05
यह भी बहुत बढ़िया था भाई एकदम मैं बता नही सकता इससे बढ़िया पर्स्पेक्टिव नहीं हो सकता है।
