Wesley Willis
@weswillis · 5:00

Saying Less & Expecting More! Not a formula for success.

I chose the phrase saying less than, expecting more because we assumed that our partners should be able to meet our needs without saying, communicating or talking about it. We fail to recognize over and over again that expecting more while saying less and withdrawing harms our relationship. So why do we withdraw?

#relationships #healthlove #marriage #couples #communication

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:39
Just again, like I said, with me. The other part that I do recognize now that I've been doing it for a few months in terms of dating is that sometimes, especially once I realize I like someone, because there is one person that I do like that I notice, I tend to overthink the engagement between the two of us
Wesley Willis
@weswillis · 1:57


Thank you so much for that wonderful transparency. A bit, I guess, speaking through the lens of being a couple therapist as well as, you know, being married myself. One of the beautiful things about being in a relationship and then, I guess, later, if people believe in or go through with the institution of marriage, is that there's two people in this, and relationships help us grow in complete ways that we never could possibly do so alone
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 5:00


And she said, that is the part of dating that there are going to be times where there is not alignment in desire or time, or the desire is there, but the time is not there. It's just not a good time, or the time is there and the desire is not there. And so then at that point, that's when you have to honor self and say, okay, I put myself out there. Does that work for me?
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:10

@weswillis part 2

My reaching out to him is purely from a pure space, a peaceful space, and a space for my authentic desire to want to see him. And I express it, and then it lands where it lands. And then I say my wildly successful affirmation, which is, thank you, God, this issue is already solved. And the universe responds in kind. So whether it's that day or a couple of days later or maybe the next week, we create time to spend together
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 3:56
Love the intro. Love me some India. Irene. I'm chiming into this. Well, I expect more from myself and less from other people. That's where I've been for the last ten years. I don't expect anyone to do anything. It's just better for me to, I don't know, function, move about life, not knowing the fact that people will not do what I do. It's not an unrealistic world that I live in
