Life is totally a mystery to be lived

Or fall on hard times that I didn't even have to second guess the help. They were nowhere to be found. I just needed somebody to drive my car that I'm putting gas in to my doctor's appointment to get my x rays and things like that for the cast, oh, I got to do this. I got to do that. No one was there for me. So at that moment, I had to figure out, it's every man for they sell

#life #mystery #weekendnerd

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:35
Yeah. It's so exciting that life is just this series of doors that you walk through and you discover, and there's highs and there's lows, but you just never know unless you go through it and let yourself be surprised and be taken on this journey with whatever, with your foundation within you, your spiritual, mental, physical ocean. But you can discover so much keeping an open mind and being open to new things and to wild things
