Enrique irby
@wandering_RiQ · 0:30

What is normal??

What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. So please remember that something could be normal for you can be hard for the next person. I think normalcy is an illusion myself. But I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject. Thank you. I

#normalcy #change #Perception #Chaos

J Wang
@jsmwang · 2:43
I think, like, one of the strongest and most recent examples of this is, I guess, you know, going into a friend's home and kind of just seeing the way that the family interacts and all the little rituals they have. And I feel like oftentimes as an outsider of a family, I'm just like, wow, this is so normal for them
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:41
Thank you for sharing this. And the picture with the spider and the fly. I've been having a lot of spider interactions lately, so when I saw this, I was like, Oh, there's another spider. But I really, really like this message. And, yeah, I have a saying. Weird
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Enrique irby
@wandering_RiQ · 0:58


And I just wanted to spark a little conversation and just offer how I felt about it and just hopefully this will spark a little compassionto of the way other people live and how we look at different cultures and just how people move through the world. So thank you so much for responding. I really enjoy listening to you as well. Thank you. Bye
Enrique irby
@wandering_RiQ · 0:58


I also tagged you in another flow, and hopefully you respond to that because I think menu kind of had a similar path growing up as far as kind of not being really, like, walking, like, a straight and narrow path, us, like, kind of being outside of the box and living in our own force of gravity, maybe. So hopefully you respond to that one. Thank you for your response to this one, and I really appreciate it
