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Curated to bring us luminaries who impact our world through their work and ideas. Hosted by @DBPardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:10

What’s the difference between having a job and having a career? Meet Christine Grimm: Corporate Coach for 25 years #AskAnExpert

What's the difference in your mind between having a job and having a career? I want to ask this to you, the Listener, because I think it's a grounded place to start to engage Christine Grimace, who's our resident speaker for working career, because us, so many of us find ourselves in gratitude for having a job

Resident Speaker on Swell @ChristineGrimm #DBPconvo

DAYDAY Mcclenton
You know what I'm saying? So I feel like to me, the career is where I want to be at because that's something that no one can take from me, because I set out what I wanted, my career and what I wanted to be and what I want to do at any given time, that person can come into work and fire you. But when you have a career, it's something that you pursuing to make happen. So I feel like you is pretty much grounded
Christine Grimm
@ChristineGrimm · 4:52


But first of all, I think the way we historically have thought about career was that our career was our long term aspirational path that you had for yourself. And sometimes someone helped you figure that out. Back in the day, in high school or other places, you could take a test, I think you still can, to help you decide whether you were going to go to trade school or college or just go get a job
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Christine Grimm
@ChristineGrimm · 1:32


Hi. It's Christine. I just want to say thank you to for participating. I love your perspective. I just want to encourage you, maybe to give you a little coaching here. I love your pride in the ownership of your career and I think you should absolutely stay with that. Your career is yours and it is, I hope, about your passion. It's about the things that you're inspired by, that you aspire to do
phil spade
@Phil · 1:05

@ChristineGrimm Advice on when to leave a stagnant job to further career?

Christine I often get asked this question around how do you decide when a job has become stagnant and it's really hurting your career? By staying in that position? You know it's the wrong thing to do, but you really don't know what else to do, and you don't want to necessarily quit the job without having another job
Christine Grimm
@ChristineGrimm · 4:51

@Phil #timeforchange #lifeisshort #career #workwelove

I could also go through LinkedIn, and I know people have been saying they wanted to quit their job for 15 years too. And it's a bummer because life is short. So if there's anybody who decides to listen to this and you want the questions, I would say there's three. One, just focus on a few days. And I'd love for you to just take an inventory and be very real with yourself around what you're doing every day, who you're interacting with
Sue Flores
@SFlo823 · 1:38


I myself have not had a career until just a few years ago. I've had jobs that have helped me find my calling and therefore put me on my path to what I want as a career. But for the most part, all this time, I've had jobs, meaning I work. I have a certain affinity for certain kinds of work writing, editing. And so I've worked at those things. I've had jobs at those things
phil spade
@Phil · 0:45

@ChristineGrimm GREAT advice!! If you are not satisfied with your job, listen to Chris above!☝️

Chris. I am bookmarking this swell because I want to be able to find it very quickly when anybody gives me this question in the future. And I just am really amazed at the level of simplicity and ease that you crafted. This exercise that anyone can do and probably everybody should do. It is just absolutely amazing
Christine Grimm
@ChristineGrimm · 4:13


And if you're not on a career path yet, it doesn't mean that you have to just take jobs that feel like nothing to you and suck the energy out of you or worse, your soul. Let's not do that
