Lost Millennial
@voiceprojekt · 2:05

How to overcome your creative block

yes i नो it it s like a thing evरीटाइमe आई थिंक कि मुझे कुछ करना है सoमethिंg क्रिएtriजst feel this big big rock on my head on my चेस्ट जिसको जिसको मैं हिलानी पता हूँ जिसकी वजह से शायद 1 बहुत ही बड़ा लेजिनेस होता है जो कि आपको टेक ओवर कर लेता है youre non able to do anything और may be the लाख ऑफ एप्रीसिएशन और आई डोन्ट नो मे बी इट्स वेरी शालू टू थिंक अबाउट गेटिंग एप्रीसिएशन for anything you do but is something is something you also feel i sure not getting the right amount of appreciation of the things you are doing do you also feel like what is the point of doing this things is it s me जहाँ मुझे ऐसा लगता है कि शायद अगर मेरे किसी काम को बहुत ज्यादा अच्छा महत्व नहीं मिल रहा है लोगों से यह मुझे बहुत अच्छे रेस्पोंसेस नहीं मिल रहे तो आई शुड स्टॉप डूइंग दैट क्योंकी आई फील दिस आ लॉट मेरी लाइफ में जहाँ पर मैं कुछ करता हूं या फिर मैं कोई चीज करता हूँ और उसके बाद जब मुझे अच्छा रेसपोंस नहीं मिलता है so i start feeling a little lo but then i went to just oworcomethis so that i stop caring about this and i keep going so all the sajisionsarmostly welcome and thanks agonthanagain yes।

#new #suggestions

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 2:16
hi so that are two parts to your swell right the first question is about overcoming creative block and the second is how to a still stay motivated if you dont get a good response you not for your creative effort so regarding creative block i think many people have many different ways right so the tricks to find what works best for you for me generally that is a creative block i like to live that particular project a side for some time you know a move on do something else and then come back to it at a later stage when i feel that yes, i have some new ideas coming on and i can deal with this a project better or i can handle it better then the second part of it yes definitely i think one dust feel very demotivated if you ndern get the right response or on desn get the response that at one expect right to get so i think the trick here again is not to bill expectations when it is a creative project more often the not try to look for your satisfaction as the bench mark it did you met the expectations you have set for yourself right i think if that becomes the benchmark then when just launch to move ahead actually grow institut of getting stuck in a kind of the mole because other people have guv when you some feedback right which you are not happy with, but you know usually critical feedback is the best feedback it that truly helps to group but a depends on your necorifyour a highly sensitive person no who take critisism very negatively then it might probably not work for you so as a set different strokes for different folks।
Lost Millennial
@voiceprojekt · 1:10
hi i think i totally agree with you on this that we ve have to take some time out if you are just getting stuck at a project and maybe try out lata actually feeling motivated about that or maybe you have a good idea may be some good inputs to start a gain about the other part a even i want to set some times i feel like to put my expectations like very low or maybe not having expectations but even in the back of my mind sometimes i just get this so its kind of hard to do that i try to do that, but it s not that easy i think this is actually a thing that you should do whatever you love in if you just doing it rightly, you will any this or any how going to fall in the right place but yeah, i think that makes a lot of since and thanks a lot for your response।
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:49


itsetresetrा गेट यू वैलिडेशन फ्रॉम दिस सोर्सेज राइट ये लोग आपको क्रिटिकली एनालाइज भी कर देंगे आपका काम और आपके नए दोस्त भी बन जाएंगे। विन विन है तो आई होप 10 ह**्स।
Lost Millennial
@voiceprojekt · 0:25
hi thank you very much so cafe sata helpful lg ki jo e points any point out the actually make a lot of sense to i think i will start taking the a little more seriously and i think kuch ise help sru mil thanks a lot again।
