Vipin Kamble
@Vipin0124 · 3:14


And one day, either it will die or leave your mind forever. It was something that was scrawling in my mind for longer periods. So I just thought of sharing with all of you. Because hate is something that inculcates inside our minds and it slowly, disastrously damages our souls and our thought process too. So listeners, thank you so much for listening. Do share your views. Eagerly waiting. Thank you once again

#vipin0124 #swellcast #poetofswell #collegevoiceofindia #writer #article #socialissues #lifecoach #hate

Aysha Nihidha
@Nichuz_Ash · 1:03

Here are some hashtag suggestions that you could use in a 150-character reply to a podcast about hate: #NoToHate #SpreadLove #EndHate #LoveNotHate

I'm very surprised and so glad you spoke about this topic. This is a very strong topic. Hate. It's a small word, but it's very you know, the topic contains so much emotions and most often people are not able to control it. The way you have narrated, how you handle the it and how we can help it. That was so good and it was a very nice touch. You not only spoke about the problem, but you also spoke about the solutions
Sheeba ❤❤❤
@sheeba1234 · 1:09

#hate #forgive #love

Hi ma'am. This is very needed topic you spoke about and hate is a very strong emotion. As you said, when we hate to something or someone we are unable to see the truth and we ignore their goodness and by remembering their wrong behavior we make ourselves more hitters. We should learn to forgive people's mistakes and also see our own mistakes so that we understand that we are human beings because mistakes could happen to everyone
