Aphrodite Vanilla Domme
@VanillaDomme · 4:44

Defining Intimacy & Emotional Intelligence

And in men, similarly to that of women, they appear to want closeness of a relationship and emotional variety. So it's a little bit of a blend of the two. Overall, don't we all want respect, kindness and appreciation in our relationships? Now, let's talk about physical intimacy. Of course, this is a form of intimacy that most people envision when they hear the word right. Touching, cuddling, kissing, sex, holding hands

#intimacy #sex #men #lifeexpectancy #relationships #sex #couples #touch #celebacy #over40 #erectiledysfunction #domme #workshops

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:27
I can't even believe that this that this post was less than five minutes. You went so in depth with it. And even though I get the sense that you're only scratching the surface, I'm I'm so excited to hear more about this topic and and about your work and yourself. Yeah, I'm I'm I'm excited. This this is this was really important stuff, and and you explained it super clearly, so, yeah, I'm excited. Thanks for being on here
