bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 1:24

Human skull in Goodwill Box

Goodyear police department public information officer Lisa Berry said at a news conference that the medical examiner's office studied the skull and found that it was not likely to be related to a criminal case. Quote we did speak with the medical examiner's office. They did confirm that it is in fact a human skull. But at that point, and this is preliminary, it appears to be a historic ancient and does not appear to have any forensic value at all

#goodwillstore #donationbox #Arizona #criminal #missingperson. #prosthetic #blueeye #medicalexaminer #humanskull #shocked

souzan snores
@souzanalavi · 0:29

Real human skull discovered at Goodwill. #AskSwell

So, Bob, this is, like, super strange already. But then if you think about where this skull has been kept this whole time and was it part of a decoration? Was it always kept in a box? Currently it's in a basket of sorts. And what's the story behind the eye? It's very strange
bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 0:31


It. Yes, it is very strange. And that's one of the reasons why I wanted to do it. It was a real, actual, honest to goodness, verified skull. But they referred to it as an ancient, which surprised me. I don't know what their definition of an ancient is, how old one has to be ancient
