bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 4:32

Shhh the Snakes can hear you!

And they can't travel that quick, so it makes sense that they tend to stay away from sounds. But for them, survival means avoiding being trodden on by large vertebrates such as kangaroos, wombats or humans. Brown snakes and taipans are active foragers that rapidly pursue their prey during the day. This means they may be vulnerable to daytime predators such as raptors. In the experiments, both of those snakes appeared to have acute senses of hearing

#snakes #hearing #tactile #PLOSONE #airborne #groundborne #sounds #lizards #cats #dogs #humans #predator #birdchirp #vibrations #deathadders

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:23
Hi. This is good to know. And this is a really great fact to share with all the kids that I teach, because we love to pretend to be snakes. So lots to do there with sensory and playing and yeah, this is really cool. Thanks for sharing
