bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 3:39

Declassified Military and CIA Secrets

The declassified documents revealed that plans for the plane to reach a top speed of mach four or four times the speed of sound and to reach an altitude of 100,000ft. The project's estimated cost was more than $3 million, which in today's world would be about 26 million. Then there was Project Ice Worm. In the 1960s. The US. Army embarked on a secret mission to build a series of mobile nuclear missile launch sites under Greenland's ice sheet

#flyingsaucers #atomicbombs #mindcontrol #declassified #military #CIA #secrets #Greenland #SovietUnion #Project1794 #supersonic #Iceworm #MK-ULTRA

Amy Pendle
@Blind_Profit · 0:08
I currently learned about the Gateway project. Somebody's going over that it's very interesting and ties in. So thank you for sharing
