bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 2:35

Mosquito Summer Prevention

Mosquitoes and summertime. Hear about it at Urban Legends and Stranger truths. Mosquitoes probably don't think you're blood sweet, but they might like you even better if you stink. Why it Matters well, thanks to the warmer, wetter weather, mosquito season could be especially itchy and long this year. And everything from body odor to what you drink can affect how miserable you are. What's happening? Well, some mosquitoes are biting because they need human blood to help their eggs develop

#blood #stink #bodyodor #bite #miserable #eggs #repel #cdc #biter #chemicals #uniqueskin #carbondioxide #pregnant #hot #beer #garlic #DEET #permethrin

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:26
That is so interesting and kind of funny, too, that mosquitoes also have taste that they enjoy certain things and they don't others. That's pretty funny. But yeah, great tips. I didn't know about putting the repellent on after sunscreen. Actually goes to show not very good at preventing mosquitoes from biting me every summer, but yeah. Thanks for sharing
