bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 1:52

Spy Pigeon #1336

Police suspected that it was involved in espionage and took it in, later, sending it to Mumbai's Bai scar. Bai Dinsha Petite Hospital for animals. Eventually, it turned out that the pigeon was an open water racing bird from Taiwan that had escaped and made its way to India. With police permission, the bird was transferred to the Bombay Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, whose doctors then set it free. Mumbai police could not be reached for comment

#newdeli #chinese #spypigeon #mumbai #rings #words #police #suspect #espionage #taiwan #india #bombay #kashmir #nuclear #primeminster


So maybe I spy pigeons are alive and well in 2024. Then again, a black pigeon would stand out. It wouldn't make a very good spy. This is a terrible photo, but you kind of get an idea of what he looked like. Not as rich black as he looked in person, but there you go
