bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 4:18

UAP Investigations

During opening remarks of the April Senate hearing, Kirkpatrick said quote I should also say clearly for the record that in our research Arrow has found no credible evidence thus far for an extraterrestrial activity, off world technology or objects that defy the known laws of physics, end quote. When asked by Representative Virginia Fox if Kirkpatrick's statement was correct, Grush said Wednesday during his hearing that it was, quote, not accurate

#challenges #pentagon #uap #aaro #navy #pilots #US #federalgovernment #congress #DOD #truth #seekers #USAF #California #nonhuman #

bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 0:35
There was a gentleman who replied to the Swell and I didn't get a chance to reply to him. However, I wanted to say that his comments and thoughts were fascinating and interesting, and I appreciate the fact that he had swelled them to me. And if he wanted to send an additional message, he can do that, of course, on the Swell private portion of the app
