bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 4:15

Weird Al Yankovic

That he's deeply committed to all of it makes something like Amish Paradise as silly as it is kind of a genius. Al probably inspired Budding and comedians the same way that Mad magazine had inspired him. And not just comics. Lynn Manuel Miranda said that the New York Times in 2020 that Al was the influence for him on Hamilton and that he often prefers Al's spoofs to the original songs. So sure, the accordion welding kid growing up to write songs about food is weird

#WeirdAl #parodies #pelted #hated #dejected #brilliance #LosAngeles #discouraged #kids #girls #skippedgrades #accordion #rocknroll #peers #DrDemento

phil spade
@Phil · 1:05
What an incredible story of persistence. I mean, seriously, going from getting booed at your first concert to five Grammys, six platinum albums, that is success that a lot of artists had not even achieved. That is incredible success. And I do think he came up at the right time, too, because I think the videos of the MTV age really kind of enhanced his popularity, especially with the Michael Acts and Parodies on Bad and Beat It. And I think you're exactly right
Farika B Redux
@FarikaB_Redux · 2:49
Well, she wasn't my actual big sister, but like a big sister to me. She's like ten or eleven years older than me, and she had to tell me that it was a game show back in the 60s or so or the 70s. So it's really cool to have heard this
