bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 3:15

Brain Worm Removed

Quote this patient had been treated for what was a mystery illness that we thought ultimately was an immunological condition because we hadn't been able to find a parasite before. And then out of nowhere, this big lump appeared in the frontal part of her brain, end quote. That again according to Soniaki. And then suddenly he says, quote, with her Mandy's forceps, she's picking up this thing that's wiggling. She and everyone in the operating room were absolutely stunned

#canberra #australia #brain #worm #neurosurgeon #biopsy #skull #alive #roundworm #parasite #larva #infection #forgetful #depression #newsouthwales

Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 0:44
But still, the idea that there's, like, a worm crawling in your brain, it just gives user old term the heebie GB's, I think is the correct term to use here. Just
bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 0:25


Hi, Glenn. I agree with you. You hear about these things and you think, that's just not true. I've never seen or heard anything like that. It's not real. But then you come across something like this, where they actually have a picture of the worm, which I posted on the podcast. And, yeah, just weird. Just freaky. I thought I would share it and ruin everybody else's day as well. Thank you
phil spade
@Phil · 0:48

@GlennPriceMann @Urbanlegends

You know, I saw the news story on this and I did not click on the headline because I just really didn't want to know. And I can't tell you how many how long it took me to actually listen to this post. I wanted to, but I just couldn't bring myself to hit the play button. I just couldn't. And then finally I did. And this is just beyond belief
bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 0:55


So that's really why I posted it, because it was one of the few times I've seen something where it actually proved that there was a I'm not even going to get into saying what this was, but that it actually existed in someone. And that was the kind of creepy part. And I just thought that it was interesting. But yes, like I said, creepy. So well, thank you so very much, Phil. I hope all goes well in your world today
Santhosh Mathevan
@sandy_maddy · 2:25

Ear-centipede(Sevi Pooraan) is a parasite that enters #brain through ears. A bigger issue in a few places in the southern part of India #Neurology

So this centipede actually causes from minor neural and brain level medical issues to major issues and sometimes even death, brain death. So I think once I started reading this news, this centipedes thoughts and memories from my village where a few people have got affected by it. Some of them have even died because the number of air centipedes in our village is very high due to the temperature and the environment, the conditions, the ecosystem has a lot of normal centipedes and as well as the year centipedes
Arthur Benitez
@Arthur_Dante · 4:53
Hi, Bob. Thanks for sharing such creepy news. I definitely will be frightening for the rest of my life. Now, I think, from what I gather, I would say that the most important thing that we have to learn from this case is that, number one, there are a lot of living organisms and diseases that depend or can be caused by them that we do not know of recently. Currently. Excuse me. So we definitely have to continue researching
