bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 1:53

#1453 when North was South and South was North.

Have you ever had one of those days where north is south and south is north and nothing seems to be going the way you think it should? Well, guess what? The earth had that same kind of day when it switched polarities 42,000 years ago. Hear about it at urban legends and stranger truths. Around 41,000 years ago, something remarkable happened. The earth's magnetic fields flipped. And for a short period of time, no north was south and south was north

#Earth Day 2024 #magneticfield #excursion #outer ore #molten #cosmic #solar

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:14
Wild, Bob. To think that what would happen. Yeah, that's a freaky, freaky thought. And perfect timing on Earth day. To talk about the last time earth kind of had a hangover. I guess you could say fun stuff
