Ukulele Curious
@Ukecurious · 0:53

Publishing content or comments on social media: What are your standards?

You. So my question for you today is, do you have criteria that you consider before you make a public post on social media? Do you have standards for your content, or do you have specific thoughts about what kind of conversations you're willing to enter? When you create content, what makes you confident enough to put it into the public space? And when you comment on other people's content, what makes you feel like you're adding something to that conversation that makes your comment valuable?

#socialmedia #contentcreation #conversations #askswell #creators #politics #sociology

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:28
And again, when I say this, I am saying it from a space of filling my cup first, and most importantly, keeping my cup full so that I am engaging and interacting with other people from a space of overflow, and that includes social media. So when I'm thinking about what am I going to post?
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:29


Everything is for me through a lens of the expression wait, why am I talking? Or that expression of think, which is thoughtful. Is it interesting? What's the other words? I know kind is one of them. Is it helpful? These are things that we have to think about when we post. I think in this climate that we're in
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

So I think that there are definitely standards and there are definitely boundaries about how I approach what I share to those particular platforms. I'm very active on LinkedIn, Instagram and Swellcast, and I find those platforms, especially Swellcast, a very great way for me to share. I tweak it for each platform. I think Instagram is definitely more. I share a lot of stories and posts and things that I absolutely believe a million percent on and support
Ukulele Curious
@Ukecurious · 2:37
And earlier this year I actually had something go like legit viral on TikTok. And it's interesting because it takes up a lot of mental and emotional space when that happens. It's both exciting and also a little bit unnerving. Since then, I've taken a lot of steps to make sure that I can't be found, paid a service to remove me from the Internet
