Tulip Chowdhury
@tulipstorydrops · 1:44

#MyProfile | Tulip Chowdhury

Most of all, I just love life and hope to enjoy each and every moment of it while I am breathing. I hope you'll enjoy my episodes of Tulip storytops. I'd love to share life experiences, the lessons I learned along my way, sharing our life stories. I believe we can benefit from each other and each of the stories may help us move forward. Life is forever moving on while we learn our lessons from the past. Th thank you


Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:33
Hey, welcome to swell. Thank you so much for this. I really enjoyed listening to your ideas about stories, and what you're sharing here, I think, is lovely and it makes me excited to hear your stories. And that's what I love most about Swell, is people coming together and listening to each other and learning new things and sharing. It's the most beautiful kind of exchange on here, I think. But yeah
