Overcomers Swellcast
@truB1VR · 4:59

Healed From A Stroke!

They say I was fighting the doctors in between the emergency room and being admitted into the hospital. I don't remember any of that. I don't remember anything that happened between being at the emergency room to being admitted to the hospital. I was just blacked out. And so, long story short, I was in a hospital for a long time. I almost died three times, internal bleeding. And so I already said I lost the ability to swallow. So I couldn't eat

#healing #Testimony

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:03
And thank you for sharing your testimony of God's healing power, because there are so many people who need to hear this out there. You know, with strokes, a lot of times, you just never know, depending on which part of the brain was affected, you just never know what type of residuals a person may have. My apostle had a stroke in 2022, and it has affected his sight and his hearing because it affected the 6th and 7th cranial nerves
Overcomers Swellcast
@truB1VR · 4:59


But I thank God because it could have been worse. God, all the glory goes to God. I give God all the glory for everything. And I thank him for the doc, the doctors that he put me under their care, and the people that were my support system, I thank him. Thank you for your ply bless
