@TomandJerry · 2:14

Lesson 1 Practice | My name is...

My birth certificate on it says Andresha, so officially in Croatian, I guess that would be my name, and I gave myself the middle name of Elizabeth, and nobody knows why, but I did. But strangely enough, when my birth certificate came through, it is Andreja, translated as Andrea Elizabetta, which is a name I gave myself without ever having seen my birth certificate, which I only found a few years ago by going to the island of Raab. I like my name

#PubSpeak101Lesson1 #PubSpeak101 #pubsp101L1p1 @dbpardes #publicspeaking

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:40
This is wonderful. There's so much in a name, and there's clearly some sort of cosmic connection with you and your name that you chose it before even ever seeing your birth certificate. I mean, it's beautiful. Yeah. I love it. And it is special to have a name that stands out in school. I always remember, yeah. Being maybe a bit uncomfortable, but then also. Also kind of very proud
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:12


Andrea, you always surprise me when you swell. Every time I listen to something you have to say, I'm like, okay, that's a story. And this is no different. Thank you so much for replying to this and doing this course
