Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 5:00

The 3 Minds

So, example number one, let's say your partner or someone tells you that they are upset with you and they want to talk to you, or they're just upset about something and they want to talk to you. If you're working from your lowest mind, which is the reactional mind, you might say something or think, oh, jeez, here we go again. What is it?

🌱 LAURA talks about the three minds. The reactive mind. The rational mind. And the wise mind. #Swell #MentalHealth #Relationships.

Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 1:59

👉🏻 Continued. "The 3 Minds"

So if you find that your external world is chaotic or unsettling or just plain negative, you might want to look inside and see if you're being chaotic and negative on your inside, meaning your thoughts, your feelings and your emotions and the words you tell yourself in your head. If we want our outside world to change, we have to first change our inside world
