Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 5:00

Were You "Parentified" ?

Hello Thrivers. This is Laura Monk with Thrive Therapy and Counseling and in this podcast today I'm going to be talking about parentification and in case you don't know what parentification is, it is when a parent treats their child not as a child, but rather treats them as an adult. Expects their children to who think and act like adults and expects their children to perform adultlike tasks. Parentification occurs when parents look to their children for emotional and or practical support rather than providing it

🌱 Laura talks about what parentification looks like and the ramifications. #Swell #MentalHealth #Relationships #Parenting. (Part 1 of 2)

Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 3:11

👉🏻 Continued (Part 2 of 2)

If you have any of these ailments or issues, you may want to consider the fact that you were most likely parentified in your childhood. And this is a generational curse that often is passed down from generation to generation. So be very careful if you were parentified that that became your normal, that you don't parentify your children thinking that that's what parenting looks like or that's what normal looks like
