Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 5:00

Core Wounds of Humanity

Hello Thrivers. This is Laura Monk with Thrive Therapy and Counseling. And in this podcast today, I wanted to talk about the three core wounds in humanity. And these wounds are the primary, most common wounds that people hold within themselves. And some people may have all three, some might have two of the three, or some might have one of the three, but usually every single person has had at least one of these at some point in their life, if not their entire lives

🌱 Laura talks about the primary core wounds in humans. (Part 1) #Mentalhealth #Soul #Swell #Corewounds

Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 5:00

👉🏻 Continued (Part 2)

So bringing this into our awareness is the first step into being able to work on it and to come out of any type of wounds that might be affecting our current lives. And wounds usually come from trauma. They don't always have to come from trauma, but often they will come from trauma. And don't forget, trauma doesn't necessarily have to be big cataclysmic events that have happened to us
Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 5:00

👉🏻 The "I’m Not Lovable Wound" (Part 3)

Also, if we were neglected as children, and let's say we had parents who are drug addicts and who were preoccupied with their addiction, or parents who were workaholics and were never home, or maybe a parent we perceive abandoned us because they left the family, or our parents got divorced, and we internalize that and think that we must not be lovable or they would not have left
