Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 5:00

Actions Are Based Upon Values

Another example is, let's say a person is gaslighting or shaming or criticizing or debasing their partner. They have a value of, let's say, winning or having control in the relationship more than they value having a peaceful, long lasting, healthy relationship that feels good for both people. If they did value having a peaceful, long lasting, healthy relationship that feels good for both people, then they would not gaslight or shame or criticize or debase their partner

🌱 Laura talks about how our actions stem from our values. #Swell #MentalHealth #Values #Life.

Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 2:24

👉🏻 Continued.

Like I said, those are subconscious needs and we are not even aware that we need these things. Or should I rather say that we think we need these things? Often the things that we think we need, we don't really need. They could be hindering us and hurting us because we have this false belief that we need that thing
