Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 2:42

Steadfast Self

Hello thrivers. This is Laura Mung with thrive therapy and counseling. And in this podcast today I wanted to talk about the steadfast self. What does having a steadfast self mean? It means the following knowing who you really are beneath the mask and pretense. Knowing what you want over the influence of what others want for you being able to say no when you don't want to do something knowing when something isn't right for you

🌱 Laura talks about what it means to have a "Steadfast Self". #Swell #SelfLove #Confidence

Kim Soliz
@apianogirl · 4:57
And as an empathetic person, I easily get swallowed into, into that, you know, because I give and it's hard for me to receive, and my passion and compassion gets the best of me. And so. But as things got tougher with administration and the team that I was working with, we ended up not really working together. There was too many chiefs and not enough Indians, basically
