Desere Wright

#MyProfile | Desere Wright

Hello. My name is Desiree Wright. I am a mentor. I'm also an MC and a host. I like talking with others and motivating and encouraging them through different things or situations. Relationships, grief, some mental health, maybe depression, anxiety or even just things about goal setting, completing goals where they want to be in three or five years in their life, and just to help someone be able to discuss that if they needed someone to talk to


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:28

#mentorship #helpothers #inspire

Hey, Desiree. I was just having a conversation with another gentleman on here. How special it is to have mentors and people who can just listen and hold space welcome here. I think you're going to find a lot of people who could really use to just share. And the best part about it is you can hear someone's open share here and you can kind of chime in a little bit and offer some guidance or insight and it's a pretty special app for that reason
