Jeana S
@thevoyagingtea · 4:39

My Run In with Cults in South Korea

And while pretending to take the call, I do actually reach out to my friend, who I'm meeting up with later and was like, hey, can you like, this is happening. I need you to come meet me. So as soon as I leave and I'm like, okay, I need to go back to this place that I was at. And these people are like, oh, we'll walk with you

Six years ago in Korea, I was almost recruited by the moonies by mistake. This is my experience with #cults in #southkorea while #traveling #travel

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:43
That's I'm glad that you were aware and that you were careful, but, yeah, that's a really scary story. And, yeah, definitely something to learn and be very aware of if you're a woman traveling alone
