Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 4:50

Humor: why is this concept so hard to grasp?

I am a teacher, wrote some of this down. So pardon me for a minute while I read some of this. Okay, so what I wrote is humor is complex and can be difficult to define because it can take many forms, including jokes, physical gags, sarcasm and double entendres. It can also be conveyed through words, images, actions, photos, films, skits or plays. Ay, ay, ay. Okay. And that's not even to mention it can also be culturally biased

#humor #specialneeds #Aprilfools

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:53

@TheMs.Leanne Choose: Roast or Praise. #StPrank #Choice #ChooseYourOwn #ChooseYourOwnAdventure #RoosterCollins #TheRoosterCollinsShow ❤️

If you accept this challenge and you make the right choice, and I like what I do, I'm gonna give you a golden ticket, because I like you. Direct golden ticket. I'm gonna create a piece of work, actually, this whole entire thing, you, it'll can be michael rosenbaum versus rooster collins. Inspired. It will be digital. And I'll send it directly to you associated with the choice that you make. How does that sound?
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 0:52


Definitely get a kick out of it. But don't get too mean, though. Mikey's like family, basically, so. But, yeah, I think it would be really fun just to go ahead, and if you need any help with it, let me know. But I'm definitely looking forward to what you have in store. Thanks. Bye
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:10

@coming soon. 😂

But I want you to give me, like, tell me what I got right and wrong. Okay? And I think, I don't know, it'll be a freestyle thing. And I can only, like, only focus on the two leads or the principal actors. Like, I'm not going to cut anybody down. I love all of them. That's. That show means a lot to me, actually. Like I told you, it's a
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 1:50


Man, I can hardly wait. Thank you for letting me be the one to basically. Well, not prejudge, obviously, but like, to listen to it before everyone else. I definitely appreciate that. I am seeing Mikey pretty soon, so if I approve of it and you get it done before. Okay, I'm going to definitely see Mikey. May 27 May 22. Excuse me. He's actually doing a live show of his. He has two podcasts
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:53


And the thing that you have to remember is that I want to do it in such a way, like, if you're actually going to show it to them, I want him to laugh at it. Doesn't matter if he, like, I don't want him to be offended. He could just be like, oh, I don't even want to be like, the thing is, like, if he watched it, like, whatever, that would devastate me
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 0:42


So thank you for letting me know. Yeah, she did one hell of a job in that role. Personal life is a different matter, but in the role, I really admired her. So thanks, and I look forward to hearing it. Bye
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:48


Yeah, I was a big Chloe guy, so that was a big old disappointment for me. But, you know, Chris Crook, I think, was in all, like, kind of semi involved with that stuff, too. But, you know, we're all humans. We make mistakes. We get caught up in things. I mean, there's all kinds of people that are caught up in Scientology right now
